NZ Wide News

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Adverse Weather Conditions

Adverse Weather Conditions As a result of the ongoing extreme weather conditions, tonight's ferry sailings have been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and kindly request your understanding and patience. Please be prepared for a delay of 1-2 extra days for the delivery of items between the islands. Thank you, The PBT Team

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Matariki Public Holiday

Matariki Public Holiday

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R5 0048 Updated Image For Transport Services Page On Web Mini



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Sustainability 2022

PBT has over the past several months been developing our strategy around becoming a more sustainable business. Please watch the video below to get an update from our CEO on the journey so far.

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sustainable future

PBT is embarking on an exciting journey to a more sustainable future. Last week we launched a trial in Christchurch for a fully electric truck, please take a look at the video for more information on this exciting initiative.

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